The City Council of the City of Shoreacres, Texas met in Regular Session on
Monday, July 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
in the City Council
Chambers of City Hall, 601
Shoreacres Blvd.,
Shoreacres, Texas, with the following present constituting a quorum:
Mayor Jayo Washington
Alderman Joe Gomer
Alderman Vickie Ellis
Alderman Sandi Lochner
Alderman Gerry Victor
City Administrator / City Secretary David K. Stall
And the following absent:
Mayor pro tem Tom Revak
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Washington at 7:00pm.
2.1 Citizen’s Comments
Patrick Stanton, 128 Shady Lawn: Reminded Council that the Parks
& Recreation Advisory Committee was sponsoring a free fishing class at Shell Beach on Wednesday.
Hugh Wallace, 906 N Country Club: Raised concerns about drainage tall weeds in the ditches causing visibility problems for traffic. Also noted that the power company removed some trees and left stumps at Country Club and Forest.
Tom Coleman, 207 Shoreacres Blvd: Told Council that his trash had not been picked up before the meeting and that it is miss on Mondays sometimes.
Stan Krauhs, 1103 Shoreacres Blvd: Asked about mosquito control efforts.
3.1 Regular Council Meeting: June 12, 2006
Alderwoman Ellis noted a typographical error.
Alderman Gomer moved to approve. Alderwoman Ellis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
4.1 Council Reports
Alderman Gomer: Reported that there would be a La Port School groundbreaking program on Monday, July 17th at 5:30pm for the new school on East Avenue.
Alderwoman Ellis: Reported that she attended a CLEMC meeting.
Alderwoman Lochner: No report.
Alderman Victor: No report.
Mayor Washington: Reported that he attended a Board of Adjustment meeting.
4.2.1 City Administrator’s Report
City Administrator: Reported on the status of the city’s agreement with the Port of Houston Authority for police services; mosquito control efforts; Officer returning to SPD; effect of rain on water meter reading; status of kayak launch construction at Heron Park; status of paint selection for City Hall; and, status of donated park bench for Bayou Forest Park.
[ Budget vs. Actual report attached ]
4.2.2 Police Department Report
To be provided to Council in writing.
[ NONE ]
6.1 Consideration and approval of invoices. (Stall)
Alderman Gomer moved to approve payment of invoices. Alderwoman Lochner seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
6.2 Consideration and approval authorizing the Mayor to approve expenditures from the Bayou Country Housing Trust Funds for use in reconstruction of housing located at 603 Shadylawn. (Stall)
Administrator Stall provided a statement showing funds expended to date and explained the need for additional funds.
Alderwoman Ellis moved to authorize an additional $10,000.00 of trust funds to be made for expenditure with the approval of the Mayor. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
6.3 Discussion and action to schedule Special Meeting for the purpose of Budget Workshops. (Washington)
Mayor Washington announced that he was calling budget workshop meetings for Monday, August 7 and Monday August 21.
There was no discussion or Council action taken.
There being no further business, Mayor Washington declared the meeting adjourned at 7:39pm.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________ 2006.
Jayo Washington, Mayor
David K. Stall, City Administrator / City Secretary