The City Council of the City of Shoreacres, Texas met in Regular Session on
Monday, July 24, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
in the City Council
Chambers of City Hall, 601
Shoreacres Blvd.,
Shoreacres, Texas, with the following present constituting a quorum:
Mayor pro tem Tom Revak
Alderman Vickie Ellis
Alderman Sandi Lochner
Alderman Gerry Victor
City Administrator / City Secretary David K. Stall
And the following absent:
Mayor Jayo Washington
Alderman Joe Gomer
The meeting was called to order by Mayor pro tem Tom Revak at 7:01pm.
2.1 Citizen’s Comments
Glenda Sparks, 423 Baywood: Told council about trash and limbs near Circle Park; and, trash in the 500 block of Baywood not being picked-up. Complained about police not questioning them after Rita when they returned to their home. Also expressed displeasure that the City website said power had been restored to the City and that she returned to discover that their house did not have power.
Dolly Arons, 1118 N Country Club Dr.: Commented on brush and trash piles in the City. Reported old fence on N Country Club at W Country Club from a fence that replaced on Bayou Forest.
3.1 Regular Council Meeting: June 12, 2006
Minutes were previously approved by Council. No action taken
3.2 Regular Council Meeting: June 26, 2006
Alderwoman Lochner moved to approve. Alderwoman Ellis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
3.3 Regular Council Meeting: July 10, 2006
Alderwoman Lochner moved to approve. Alderwoman Ellis seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
4.1 Council Reports
Alderwoman Ellis: Reported that she attended a CLEMC budget meeting and has provided David Stall with next year’s assessment information for City budget use. The increase was reported as about $4,000 over last year’s assessment.
Alderwoman Lochner: No report.
Alderman Victor: No report.
Mayor pro tem Revak: Reported that he has been assisting with material purchases for the Mitchell house project.
4.2.1 City Administrator’s Report
City Administrator: Reported on the status of the city’s mosquito control efforts; monitoring tropical storm activity; work on Heron Park kayak launch and parking area near observation deck; seeking painting contractors; quotes for City Hall shutters; additional work in the plan for City Hall exterior improvements; and, use of old City Hall building to demonstrate future appearance of City Hall.
[ Budget vs. Actual report attached ]
[ NONE ]
6.1 Consideration and approval of invoices. (Stall)
Alderwoman Ellis moved to approve payment of invoices. Alderman Victor seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
6.2 Consideration and approval authorizing the expenditure of $27,000.00 for participation with Harris County for the installation of culvert pipe and inlets; and, approval of terms for property owner participation in such project. (Stall)
Council discussed the project scope, cost, and apportionment.
Alderwoman Ellis moved to authorize expenditure of $27,000.00 for the purchase of materials for installation of culvert pipe and inlets by Harris County. Abutting property owners are to pay fifty-percent of the material costs based on the length of culvert installed. Terms to the property owner are fifty-percent down and the balance due on April 1, 2007. Alderwoman Lochner seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
There being no further business, Mayor pro tem Revak declared the meeting adjourned at 7:42pm.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________ 2006.
Jayo Washington, Mayor
David K. Stall, City Administrator / City Secretary