The City Council of the City of Shoreacres, Texas met in Regular Session on
Monday, August 14, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
in the City Council
Chambers of City Hall, 601
Shoreacres Blvd.,
Shoreacres, Texas, with the following present constituting a quorum:
Mayor Jayo Washington
Mayor pro tem Tom Revak
Alderman Joe Gomer
Alderman Vickie Ellis
Alderman Sandi Lochner
Alderman Gerry Victor
City Administrator / City Secretary David K. Stall
And the following absent: None
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jayo Washington at 7:02pm.
2.1 Citizen’s Comments
Tom Coleman, 207 Shoreacres Blvd: Told council about an accident on I-10 near Beaumont involving a tractor-trailer truck that backed traffic up for five miles.
Patrick Stanton, 128 Shadylawn: Commented on vandalism at Circle Park including damage to the restroom door, basketball backboard, and gazebo railing. Also noted that someone ripped a chair off the pier and moved a house marker in the neighborhood. He inquired about curfew enforcement and called council’s attention to pocket motorcycles being ridden on Westview and the risk of injury to the young riders.
Mary Beth Maher, 3610 Miramar: Presented council with photographs of flowers. She also raised concerns about non-existent or ineffective silt screens on constructions sites in the City. Particularly she shared her distress about silt and mud flowing into the tidal pond at Heron Park from a construction job on Shoreacres Boulevard.
Diane Victor, 3346 Miramar: Commented on silt runoff filling in the pond at Heron Park. She told council that help was needed to keep the pond from being destroyed.
Charlotte Wells, 3342 Miramar: Commented on construction projects on fill dirt brought in to comply with floodplain regulations. She expressed her concern that they generate silt that threatens Galveston Bay. She told council that a stronger ordinance is needed to address diversion or impounding of water.
Anita Willis, 1009 Forest: Asked council what was going on with trash pick-up in the city. She commented that piles are being left curbside for a couple of weeks.
3.1 Regular Council Meeting: July 24, 2006
Alderman Revak moved to approve. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
3.2 Regular Council Meeting: August 7, 2006
Alderman Revak moved to approve. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
4.1 Council Reports
Mayor pro tem Revak: Reported that work on the Mitchell house project was going really well and that the house was framed and sheathed. He expected the house to be weathered in by the end of the week.
Alderman Gomer: Reported that he attended the new teacher’s luncheon. He also reported that he participated in an economic development tour of La Porte housing; warehouses, and development along South Broadway; and, the west side residential development of 400 plus units. The tour also included port facilities. He also reported on the Harris County Mayor’s and Councilmen’s Association meeting and their objection to county charges for crime lab work.
Alderwoman Ellis: Reported that CLEMC is moving from Clear Lake City to the old Webster Fire Station on Pennsylvania.
Alderwoman Lochner: Reported that she attended the SEACAP meeting and learned that the TECQ used an imaging inspection to identify a facility leak. As a result the violating plant will be required to conduct monitoring activity for the next 60 days.
Alderman Victor: No report.
4.2.1 Mayor Washington: Reported that he participated in a bus tour of the new Bay Port facilities. They have constructed a berm on the south side of the project but none on the north side yet. He also attended a meeting with Commissioner Garcia dealing with the Morgan’s Point and Barbour’s Cut road issue. They will meet again. He also attended a Lyondell’s volunteer thank you lunch.
4.2.2 City Administrator’s Report
City Administrator: Reported on the status of the city’s mosquito control efforts; that utility bills were mailed on Friday (8/11); work on Heron Park kayak launch; progress on trash piles discussed that the last council meeting; upgrade of office computer virus protection software; glass door at City Hall having been broken and replaced; County being notified to purchase materials for culvert work; update that culvert agreements have not been drafted nor sent out yet; response to last meetings questions about telephone information during hurricane Rita; and monitoring of this season’s tropical storm activity.
[ Budget vs. Actual report attached ]
[ NONE ]
6.1 Consideration and approval of invoices. (Stall)
Alderman Gomer moved to approve payment of invoices. Alderman Revak seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
6.2 Consideration and approval authorizing expenditure for the construction of a concrete surface for a combination basketball and tennis court at Circle Park. (Stall)
Alderwoman Ellis moved to consider, Alderman Revak seconded.
Council discussed the project scope, cost, and contractor quotes.
Alderman Gomer moved to contract with American Best Concrete to construct a tennis court/basketball court surface for $23,150. Alderman Revak seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
There being no further business, Mayor Washington declared the meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________ 2006.
Jayo Washington, Mayor
David K. Stall, City Administrator / City Secretary