The City Council of the City of Shoreacres, Texas met in Regular Session on
Monday, April 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
in the City Council
Chambers of City Hall, 601 Shoreacres Blvd.,
Shoreacres, Texas, with the following present constituting a quorum:
Mayor Jayo Washington
Mayor pro tem Tom Revak
Alderman Joe Gomer
Alderwoman Vickie Ellis
Alderwoman Sandi Lochner
Alderman Gerry Victor
City Administrator / City Secretary David Stall
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jayo Washington at 7:00pm.
2.1 Recognition of Shoreacres Citizen of the Year
Tom Coleman was recognized as Shoreacres Citizen of the Year. Accepting the certificate for Tom Coleman was his wife Kathryn Coleman.
2.2 Recognition of Shoreacres Employee of the Year
Eloy Gonzalez was recognized as Shoreacres Employee of the Year. Mr. Gonzalez was presented with a certificate.
Recess – 7:02 p.m. to 7:12 p.m.
2.3 Citizen’s Comments
O.W.Shaffer, 505 Shadylawn: Told council that the deep ditches are a hazard to mow and that the city should fill them, mow them, or come up with a plan for those who can’t mow them.
Carl Kraft, 3515 East Country Club: Addressed council about allowing accessory buildings over 300 square-feet. He told council that he had previously asked for the ordinance to be changed six to eight months ago but there has been no progress. He presented a petition to council and expressed wide spread support for revocation of City Code Section 74-386, Accessory Buildings.
Gregg Glover, 809 South Country Club: Told council that they should allow bigger accessory buildings.
Anita Willis, 1009 Forest: Requested “No Solicitation” signs at the entrances to the city.
Dolly Arons, 1118 North Country Club: Commented that nothing has come out of the Planning & Zoning Commission process in regard to revising the accessory building ordinance. She encouraged council to establish a citizen’s committee to address the accessory building issues.
Ron Roark, 1124 North Country Club: Told council that he has two accessory buildings at his house that were allowed when he bought, before the ordinance changed.
Shar Lynch, Port of Houston Authority: Reported the Army Corp of Engineers has completed their dredge work in the channel. She told council that the port will consider operating changes in the next contract (hours of dredge operation).
3.1 Regular Council Meeting: March 12, 2007
Alderwoman Lochner moved to approve the city council meeting minutes for March 12 as presented. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
3.2 Regular Council Meeting: April 9, 2007
No action taken.
4.1 Council Reports
Revak: No report.
Gomer: Reported that had just returned from Seattle where he attended a meeting with SETH. He told council that it was interesting and that while there he looked into the Seattle port which he described as being adjacent to industry and business on the east side and near residential on a hill on the west side. He believes that noise is absorbed by the hill.
Ellis: No report.
Lochner: Reported attending the SEACAP meeting where Houston area ozone research was discussed. The Houston area experiences unusually high ozone spikes that they are attempting to explain. It appears that the ozone emissions drift to the west.
Victor: Reported inspecting the Heron Park cover and attending the port sound barrier meeting.
Washington: Reported attending an emergency management workshop. Also attending a Parks and Recreation Board meeting where they were discussing a 5-year plan with Circle Park as the priority. Attended the port sound barrier meeting and noted that the barrier plans (drawings) are now located at City Hall.
4.2 Staff Reports
4.2.1 City Administrator’s Report
Stall: Reported that the sound barrier plans are located in the City Hall lobby; Clean-Up, Green-Up has been coordinated to use TxDOT land for the weekend collection; gave a status report on Westview and Bayou Street construction; reported on the replacement of a storm sewer pipe across Westview; status of the Baywood culvert project; an opening for a part-time park employee; the receipt of an inquiry about purchasing a small strip of city property for a rail siding; completion of the porch awning over the entrance to the old City Hall; purchase of “No Soliciting Without A Permit signs”; Heron Park progress; and the purchase of a new timeclock.
4.2.2 Police Department Report
Written report provided.
5.1 Consideration and approval of invoices.
Alderman Gomer moved to approve payment of invoices. Alderman Victor seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES:Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
5.2 Consideration and approval of a Resolution approving an Investment Policy pursuant to the Public Funds Investment Act; and, other related provisions. (Stall)
Alderman Victor moved to approve the Resolution. Alderman Revak seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Ellis, Lochner, Victor.
NAYS: None.
There being no further business, Mayor Washington declared the meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________ 2007.
Jayo Washington, Mayor
David K. Stall, City Administrator / City Secretary