The City Council of the City of Shoreacres, Texas met in Regular Session on
Monday, September 10, 2007 at 7:00
in the City Council
Chambers of City Hall, 601 Shoreacres Blvd.,
Shoreacres, Texas, with the following present constituting a quorum:
Mayor Jayo Washington
Mayor pro tem Tom Revak
Alderman Joe Gomer
Alderman Gerry Victor
Alderwoman Dolly Arons
Alderman Richard Adams
City Administrator / City Secretary David Stall
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jayo Washington at 7:00pm.
2.1 Citizen’s Comments
Anita Willis, 1009 Forest: Addressed the council and questioned the pond at the northwest corner of Country Club reporting that it has scum and doesn’t look healthy in light of five reports of West Nile virus in the Houston area; asked if there was an ordinance that would prevent a neighbor from stacking firewood against her fence causing damage and blocking drainage; reported a tree struck by lightning; reported increased train noise from the port; and, reported noise from motorcycles on Shoreacres Blvd Friday and Saturday nights, and Sundays from 4:00pm to 10pm.
Patrick Stanton, 128 Shadylawn: Addressed the council reporting that the city’s park playground equipment is rusty and dangerous; that Eloy has attempted to make repairs; and, that perhaps the city should hire a firm that is familiar with such repairs. He also reported on damage that has been done to park facilities by vandals.
Howard Dahl, 511 Baywood: Addressed the council about graffiti at Circle Park; branches around the gazebo at Circle Park that are in need of trimming, especially on the west side; reported continued right turns being made on the shoulder of Shoreacres Blvd at SH-146; saw the ditches cleaned along Broadway and reported that Baywood at Byway needs cleaning; and, reported that his water has been various colors including yellow, tan and brown.
2.2 Economic Development Report
Jan Lawler, Economic Alliance: Reported on region wide project status and the contribution by American Acryl to cover the City of Shoreacres’ annual membership fee.
3.1 Regular Council Meeting: August 13, 2007
Alderman Adams moved to approve the city council meeting minutes for August 13, as presented. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Victor, Arons, Adams.
NAYS: None.
3.3 Regular Council Meeting: August 27, 2007
No action taken.
4.1 Council Reports
Revak: No report.
Gomer: No report.
Arons: Asked the Mayor to clarify her understanding of responsibilities of the City Administrator and the protocol for aldermen asking that action be undertaken by the city staff.
Adams: Commented that the Yahoo Group has been an ‘eye opener’ and expressed concern about some of the Group’s message content.
Victor: Commented on graffiti in the city and reported on his contact with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. He reported that there are two monitors in Seabrook, one in La Porte, and none in Shoreacres. The District is in the process of adding more units and will consider one in Shoreacres.
Washington: Reported on the Fish Fry and Chamber of Commerce Steak Cook-Out community events; reported on his meeting with the Port of Houston Authority and that maintenance dredging will begin again in February and may require use of a diesel dredge; that the Port Authority has proposed a noise abatement pilot program that could insulate about twelve homes; and, that City of Shoreacres logo stickers are available at City Hall
4.2 Staff Reports
4.2.1 City Administrator’s Report
David Stall: Reported that portions of the ditch along Oakdale have been cleared and that additional work is being planned; that a meeting with the City of Seabrook is scheduled to discuss the possibilities of joint projects; back to full staffing at City Hall; street name signs with city logos are being erected; and, a labor service is being used to staff the vacancy in Public Works until a suitable employee can be hired.
4.2.2 Police Department Report
Chief French: The Chief provided a few comments to accompany his written report.
5.1 Consideration and approval of invoices. (Stall)
Mayor pro tem Revak moved to discuss invoices presented. Alderwoman Arons seconded.
Alderman Gomer moved approve the payment of invoices as presented. Alderman Victor seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Victor, Arons, Adams.
NAYS: None.
5.2 Discussion of the proposed FY-2007/2008 budget and program of work.
City Administrator Stall presented an overview of the proposed FY-2007/2008 budget. Council made inquires of various budget line items and explanations were provided by the Mayor and City Administrator.
No action taken.
5.3 Consideration, discussion, and action to propose a property tax rate that exceeds the effective tax rate.
Mayor pro tem Revak moved to discuss a proposed property tax rate. Alderwoman Arons seconded.
Council discussed the revenue needs to fund the proposed FY-2007/2008 budget.
Alderwoman Arons moved that no tax rate increase be proposed beyond the effective tax rate.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Revak, Gomer, Victor, Arons, Adams.
NAYS: None.
5.4 Consideration and action to schedule Public Hearings on the property tax rate increase.
No action taken.
5.5 Consideration and action to adopt a Resolution designating a representative and alternate to the Houston-Galveston Area Council 2008 General Assembly.
Alderwoman Arons moved to discuss designating a representative and alternate to the H-GAC General Assembly.
Council requested additional information before making the designation.
No action taken.
There being no further business, Mayor Washington declared the meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________ 2007.
Jayo Washington, Mayor
David K. Stall, City Administrator / City Secretary