The City Council of the City of Shoreacres, Texas met in Regular Session on
Monday, December 10, 2007 at 7:00
in the City Council
Chambers of City Hall, 601 Shoreacres Blvd.,
Shoreacres, Texas, with the following present constituting a quorum:
Mayor Jayo Washington
Alderman Joe Gomer
Alderman Gerry Victor
Alderwoman Dolly Arons
Alderman Richard Adams
City Administrator / City Secretary David Stall
Absent: Mayor pro tem Tom Revak
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jayo Washington at 7:02 p.m.
2.1 Citizen’s Comments
Carl Kraft, 3515 E. Country Club: Reported to council that he had looked over the proposed changes to garage regulations being considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission. He told council that he thought that 15 feet separation for a detached garage was too far and the 8 feet was enough to get a vehicle between the buildings. He also objected to the maximum wall height of 12-feet telling council that a 14-foot door would be required for large recreational vehicles.
Sue Johnson, 3306 Sunrise Dr.: Reported to council that she called the police on the weekend about kids roaming the street (Westview) throwing fireworks. She requested a security light for Westview at Meadowlawn and more police patrols.
Jim Shul, 519 Oakdale: Reported sighting a wild animal resembling a coyote on Saturday afternoon at Oakdale and Byway. He told council that it appears to be dangerous and needs to be trapped and taken away.
3.3 Regular Council Meeting: November 26, 2007
Alderman Gomer moved to approve the city council meeting minutes for November 26, 2007, as presented. Alderwoman Arons seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
4.1 Council Reports
Gomer: Reported that he attended a SETH meeting.
Arons: Reported that she attended a SEACAP meeting where subsidence and water level increases were discussed.
Adams: No report.
Victor: Reported that he attended the H-GAC caucus where the new board members were voted into office.
Washington: Reported on attending the Economic Development Foundation banquet. He also reported that the port sound abatement program is moving forward and that all participants have signed agreements. He also reported the port is developing a planting program for the north shore.
4.2 Staff Reports
4.2.1 City Administrator’s Report
David Stall: Reported that quotes are being obtained for work on two liftstations that require immediate repair; Water Plant #2 (Bayou Forest) building has been painted; the CVE police vehicle has been returned to service with a new transmission; and, street work (Westview and Bayou) will be put out for bid again after the first of the year.
4.2.2 Police Department Report
Written report provided.
5.1 Consideration and approval of invoices.
Alderman Gomer moved to approve the payment of invoices as presented. Alderman Victor seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
5.2 Consideration and approval for the City Administrator to purchase two (2) police vehicles and one (1) public works vehicle (as budgeted) through the cooperative purchase program of the Houston-Galveston Area Council. (Stall)
Alderman Gomer moved to discuss. Alderman Victor seconded.
City Administrator Stall presented the vehicle bids obtained through H-GAC.
Alderman Adams moved to approve the payment of three vehicles as presented. Alderwoman Arons seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
5.3 Consideration and approval for the City Administrator to contract for in-service cleaning and inspection of three ground water storage tanks, one elevated water tank, and one pressure tank. (Stall)
Alderwoman Arons moved to discuss. Alderman Adams seconded.
City Administrator Stall described the proposal and recommended acceptance.
Alderman Victor moved to accept the International Diving Services proposal for cleaning three ground storage water tanks, one elevated storage water tank, and one water pressure tank in the amount of $5,000.00 as presented. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
5.4 Consideration and action to cast a vote for the Small Cities Representative to the Harris County Appraisal District Board. (Washington)
Alderman Gomer moved to discuss. Alderman Adams seconded.
Council discussed the candidates nominated for the open board position.
Alderman Gomer moved that the city cast its vote for Larry Tobin. Alderwoman Arons seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
5.5 Consideration and action to adopt an Ordinance amending the late payment charge for water, wastewater, and solid waste collection service. (Stall)
Alderman Adams moved to discuss. Alderman Gomer seconded.
City Administrator Stall described the objectives and necessity of amending the ordinance.
Alderman Arons moved to approve Ordinance 2007-08 as presented. Alderman Victor seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
5.6 Discussion of Zoning Regulations changes being considered for formal recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission related to residential garages and carports including consideration of changes in the allowable number, size, height, and other regulations related thereto. (Stall)
Alderwoman Arons moved to discuss. Alderman Adams seconded.
Council discussed the materials provided by the Planning & Zoning Commission.
No action was taken.
5.7 Executive Session: Discussion of annual employee performance appraisals and merit pay [closed meeting authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.074, personnel matters]. (Washington)
RECESS Council recessed at 8:35 pm by Mayor Washington.
RECONVENED Council was called to order at 9:25 pm by Mayor
5.8 Consideration and action to approve employee merit pay. (Washington)
Alderman Victor moved to approve the merit pay schedule as presented by Mayor Washington. Alderman Gomer seconded.
The vote was as follows:
AYES: Gomer, Arons, Adams, Victor.
NAYS: None.
There being no further business, Mayor Washington declared the meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.
PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________ 2008.
Jayo Washington, Mayor
David K. Stall, City Administrator / City Secretary