Shoreacres Shorts
July 2005
New Boat Storage Ordinance in Effect
The City Council has passed an ordinance regulating the parking and storage of boats on residential lots.
Under the new ordinance boats with an overall length greater than twelve feet (12’) must be wholly enclosed within a garage or securely placed on a boat trailer that can be used to legally transport the boat on a public highway.
Boats on trailers may be parked on residential premises provided the boat and trailer are parked within the owner’s property line and the trailer is in a good state of repair and maintained in such condition as not to be unsightly. Grass and weeds must be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion beneath the trailer, so as to not exceed six (6) inches in height.
A violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each day the violation exists.
Annual Boy Scout Garage Sale
You can support your local Boy Scouts by donating and shopping at their annual garage sale.
If you would like to donate items for the sale please contact City Hall (281.471.2244) for drop-off dates and times.
Sale Date & Place:
Saturday, July 30th
Old Shoreacres Fire Station 619 Shore Acres Blvd
Please, No Dumping!
Unfortunately, we have had more than one instance of clippings, limbs, and brush being dumped in our city and community association parks. Parks are not dumping grounds.
If you see someone dumping in one of our parks or anywhere along the roadside please call the Police Department at 281.326.5900 and report them at once. The city will prosecute all violators.