This is only a survey and creates no financial obligation whatsoever.
Please Read Details in the Shoreacres Shorts Below and Check ý All Below That Apply:
¨ NO, I am not interested in having any open ditch covered.
¨ YES, I have an open ditch that I am interested in having covered.
¨ YES, I am willing to pay a reasonable amount to participate in a program that will cover my ditch.
If Yes, please indicate the length of ditch that you would have like covered: ___________ feet.
Name: __________________________________________________
Location of Ditch (street address): __________________________________________________
August 2005
Storm Drain Culvert Program
A number of our residents have expressed an interest in having the open ditches around their property covered.
Recent street improvements have created some deeper and significantly enlarged ditches. The result has been an increased interest in eliminating open ditches.
City Council agrees that closing ditches would improve the overall appearance of the city, improve traffic safety, and simplify roadside maintenance.
Of course to close ditches requires the installation of culvert pipes and sufficient inlets to handle the drainage of storm water.
Unfortunately, the City does not have the financial resources to take on a massive ditch closing project.
As an alternative the City proposes to determine the level of interest across the City and seek proposals from a contractor that could do all of the desired work under a master contract. Our thought is that this might provide enough work to negotiate a lower cost for all of the participants.
Culvert Interest Survey
The first step in the program is to survey our residents to learn who might be interested and collect information about the estimated length of those ditches.
Participation is open to all Shoreacres property owners without regard to location.
Please complete the form above and
return it with your City utility payment.
The Next Step
Once the survey is complete we can seek approximate cost estimates. Those costs would be communicated to you, survey participants, to determine if you are still interested at the estimated cost level.
At that point we can go out for bids on a citywide basis. We would anticipate a bid that establishes a per foot price. Only then would we ask for firm commitments from property owners.
Missed Trash Collection
Please report missed trash pickups to City Hall (281.471.2244) before noon on the morning following your regular collection day.
Heavy Pickup on Thursday
Items left curbside for heavy pickup must be neatly stacked, no larger than 2 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet. If the truck in near its full capacity only half will be picked up. Construction debris will not be picked up at any time.
Lending A Helping Hand
Community efforts to assist one of our longtime residents is making great progress. Thanks to all that are helping.
CPA or Tax Accountant Needed
This group is in need of a volunteer CPA or tax accountant who can provide important advice. To volunteer please contact Mayor Edmonson at 281.471.2244 or e-mail at