September 2005
New Parking Ordinance in Effect
The City Council has passed an ordinance regulating the parking of cars, trucks, trailers and other vehicles on city streets and residential lots.
Under the new ordinance no vehicle may be parked on the street, shoulder or on public property for longer than forty-eight (48) hours.
No truck tractor, semi-trailer, farm tractor, or bus shall be parked on private property for longer than twenty-four (24) hours.
No truck tractor, semi-trailer, motor home, bus, or trailer of any kind shall be parked on the street or shoulder at anytime unless actively being used to provide a service to the adjacent property (moving, lawn service, etc.).
Additionally, no vehicle shall be parked on any private property without the permission of the property owner.
A violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of not more than $500 for each day the violation exists.
More information can be found on the City website.
Hurricane Assistance
In support of our Louisiana neighbors who have become homeless the Shoreacres Civic Association has made a donation connection with the Windsail Bay Apartments at 3141 South Broadway.
Ten Windsail Bay units have been opened up to receive families in need of shelter and have been offered for one month with free rent.
They are collecting nonperishable food, blankets, clothes, diapers, formula, toiletries, kitchen housewares, utensils, linens and towels, mattresses, fuel gift cards, telephone gifts cards, etc.
Suzan Rector, owner of Windsail Bay Apartments, will supply a wish list from new residents. We hope that you will talk to Suzan or Melanie about what these families need.
If you have large items like furniture and would like to deliver them to the apartment, please give her a call at 281-471-3061. Large items may be dropped off at 3141 South Broadway but call Suzan first.
They are also working closely with St. Mary's who is receiving and giving clothing. First Assembly Church of God will be giving money to cover electricity expenses. First Baptist and Christ the Light have become shelters. The latter three churches are also providing food kitchens. Money donations can be routed through these churches. I applaud Suzan and our local churches for their efforts. Suzan may fill her units and have to turn people away. If you are interested in helping, Suzan might be a good person to recommend someone in need of shelter.
– Tracy Revak, Shoreacres Civic Association
Halloween is Coming
The Halloween Hayride will be at Bayshore Elementary School on Sunday, October 31, starting at 6:00pm.
Volunteers with trailers are always needed. To offer your assistance with the hayride please contact Tracy Revak at 281.471.3425.