Happy New Year!
Now that 2005 has
arrived, we can all look forward to a fresh new year of
accomplishment in the City of Shoreacres. One of the best
ways for citizens to know about these positive steps (and to
suggest others) is attendance at the bi-monthly City Council
meetings that take place on the second and fourth Mondays of
each month at 7:00 pm. Please come and be informed!
Intersection News
(Shoreacres Blvd, @ HWY 146)
The Texas Department
of Transportation (TxDOT) is coming to the January 24
council meeting to talk about the options for the Shoreacres
Blvd./HWY 146 intersection design and mitigation. You
really should attend this meeting if you are interested in
what is being considered for the intersection and what it
means to the community.
Call for Parks
Board Applications
Three positions are
open. The city hopes to have applications in by the end of
the first week in February. Anyone interested can pick up
an application at City Hall.
Recently, coyotes
have apparently increased their migration into the City of
Shoreacres, and have been causing problems. At least one
domestic pet has been killed by coyotes, and garbage that is
not properly sealed when left out overnight is often a
coyote attraction. Texas Parks & Wildlife (TP&W) does not
relocate coyotes, so prevention is the course of action they
recommend. Keep pets in fenced yards if not indoors.
Remove all food sources from yards, including any fruits and
nuts that have fallen from trees. Try to take garbage out
the morning of pick up, and keep it tightly covered or
sealed. Keep your pets current with their shots.
An article provided
by TP&W will be at City Hall or may be requested by Email to
Tracy Revak,
Limbs Still
Needed for Heron Park
small limbs are needed to line the trails. The limbs should
be no larger than 6 inches in diameter and 5 feet in
length. Please no debris or tree trunks. If you have any
please call Mary Beth Maher, 281-471-4745 or Tracy Revak,
® City Council
Meetings are scheduled January 24 and February 14 & 28 at
7:00 P.M. at City Hall. Agendas are posted at City Hall at
least 3 days prior. Citizens are encouraged to attend!
Visit the City of Shoreacres website at
fight local crime by being observant. If you see anything
suspicious going on in the city call the non-emergency
Police Dispatch at 281-326-5900. Together we can make a