Clean-Up Green-Up Weekend of May 15 & 16
Posted: Wednesday, April 7, 2010
After skipping 2009 in the wake of Hurricane Ike the City of Shoreacres
will resume its annual Clean-Up Green-Up campaign this year.

As in 2008, the
City will again contract for curbside collection of yard trimmings.
Green vegetation,
branches, tree trimmings and limbs up to 6-inches in diameter can be set
curbside for pick-up in front of your home on the weekend of May 15 &
16, 2010.
Please set your
yard material between the ditch and the street before 7:00am Monday, May
17. Do not tie into bundles. No need to cut into short lengths, long
limbs are preferred for chipping. Whenever possible place the cut end of
the limbs towards the street for easy pick-up. Don't mix yard
material with other trash or wood products - doing so will result in all
of the material being left for your disposal.
It is very
important that you place the material near the street and keep both the
street and the drainage ditch clear of all debris.
A chipping crew
will come by with equipment to pick-up and chip your limbs beginning on
Monday, May 17. Please be aware that it may take a few days to complete
pick-ups throughout the city.
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