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Household Hazardous Waste
Posted: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
It's time to clean out
all of your unwanted household hazardous waste items.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
9:00am to 1:00pm Only
La Porte Public Works Service Center
2963 North 23rd Street
Accepting Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
from approximately 350 households. HHW will be collected on a first
come, first serve basis.
What You CAN Bring To This Event:
Brake fluid,
paint thinner, paint, cleaners with acid or lye, pesticides or
batteries, car batteries, pool chemicals, motor oil, oil filters,
electronic waste (limit five items per vehicle) which includes:
computer monitors, televisions up to 27" screen, computer CPUs,
keyboards, printers, cellular phones.
White goods
such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, water heaters.
Tires (up to
20") off the rims, limit six per household.
and corrosives.
Propane gas
cylinders up to 5 gallons - No other types of gas cylinders will be
What You CANNOT Bring To This Event:
waste and electronic waste from businesses.
ammunition, radioactive materials.
Trash, fire
extinguishers or controlled substances (drugs).
Tips On Transporting HHW Materials:
Containers should be sealed and in their
original labeled packaging. Pack leaking containers in a larger,
non-leaking container. Place containers upright in a box or plastic bin
and pack newspaper around the containers to prevent breakage. Place
containers in your trunk and be prepared to leave your containers and
For More Information, Visit
www.LaPorteLEPC.org or contact
the LEPC at 281.470.0010 or
Sponsored by the Local Emergency Planning
Committee and the City of La Porte.
Pine Beetle Infestation Hits Shoreacres
Posted: Wednesday,
March 9, 2011
Shoreacres pine trees weakened by
Hurricane Ike injuries have attracted pine beetles.
Unfortunately there is no chemical that
can kill these beetles once they are in a tree. The best we can do is to
prevent the beetles from attacking other trees.
Pine beetles can detect an injured tree
and can then fly to it and infect it. Do not prune pines in the spring
and summer when beetles will be attracted to the sap coming from pruning
cuts. If trees are injured, spray wounds with Bifenthrin every three
weeks or so. Do not try to remove the sap or coat the wound with pruning
paint. Read and follow all label directions when using pesticides.
Keep the tree in good health. If the
soil gets very dry, water the tree with three-quarter to one inch of
water once a week. Do not water more often than this. Do not dig around
trees or drive over or pile soil on their roots.
If pine trees die, remove them very
quickly since pines quickly become a risk to fall.
If you have some trees that need to be removed, consider removing other
pines in the area that are damaged, oozing sap, have cankers or are
infested with beetles. Pine beetle control is very difficult.
Property owners are required to remove
dead trees.
additional information about pine beetles visit:
Clean-Up Green-Up Set For Monday April 4
Posted: Monday, March 14, 2011
It's time for Spring
cleaning! Green
vegetation, branches, tree trimmings and limbs up to 6-inches in
diameter can be set curbside for pick-up in front of your home the weekend of
April 2 & 3.

No need to
haul your limbs anywhere.
Please set your
yard material between the ditch and the street before 7:00am
Monday, April 4. Do not tie into bundles. No need to cut
into short lengths, long limbs are preferred for chipping.
Whenever possible place the cut end of the limbs towards the
street for easy pick-up. Don't mix yard material with other
trash or wood products - doing so will result in all of the
material being left for your disposal.
is very important that you place the material near the street
and keep both the street and the ditch clear of all debris.
crew will come by with equipment to pick-up and chip your limbs
beginning on Monday. Please be aware that it may take a couple
days to complete pick-ups throughout the city.
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