Damage Determination
Substantial Damage is defined as damage to the structure to
the extent that the cost of restoring that structure to it’s before
damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market
value before the damage occurred.
Substantial Damage is determined without regard to the actual
cost to the owner. Repair costs must be calculated on the true cost
of bringing the building back to its pre-damage condition using
qualified labor and materials obtained at market prices. The
estimated cost of repair must include all costs necessary to fully
repair the structure, even if y owner intended to do less.
In reaching a determination of Substantial Damage the City
has prepared either a “Substantial Damage Valuation Summary” or a
“Residential Substantial Damage Estimator’s Report.” A copy of
either the Valuation Summary or the RSDE Report is available to you
upon request.
Appealing a
Substantial Damage Determination
If you would like
to appeal the Substantial Damage Determination, gather one or more
of the following documents to evidence repair cost or building
valuation and submit it to the City:
National Flood Insurance Proof-of-Loss Statement or insurance
adjustors worksheets.
Certified Appraisers valuation of the building pre-storm damage.
The appraisal amount must be for the structure only. It should
not include the land value.
sealed engineer’s or architect’s reports of structural damage to
the building.
contractors itemized repair estimate. These estimates should be
signed and certified by a certified contractor. The cost of
repair is the fair market value of all materials and labor
required to restore the building to its pre-damage condition.
Proof of improvements that affect the building’s pre-storm
value. Receipts or invoices with proof of payment for
improvements requested for consideration.
This information must be submitted in writing to the City on
or before December 29, 2008.
The Floodplain Administrator shall take into full
consideration all documents submitted and notify you in writing of
any change in Substantial Damage determination.
Following that reconsideration, if you believe that there is
error in any requirement, decision, or determination of the
Floodplain Administrator you may then appeal to the Board of