P&Z Commission
Recommends Fence Changes
Posted: Thursday, August 6, 2009
their regular meeting, Wednesday, August 5, the Shoreacres Planning &
Zoning Commission approved recommendations to modify the City’s zoning
regulations related to fences and the height of buildings. Those
recommendations will be presented to City Council on Monday, August 10.
Under the proposed changes taller fences would be allowed, eight foot
instead of six foot. Solid fences would not be allowed to extend past
the front of structures towards the street, but open style (25% opaque,
but not chain link or wire) fences would be allowed to extend out to the
front property line. Presently fences are not allowed closer than
30-feet to the front property line. Barbed-wire and electric fences
would be restricted. Dangerous fences would be prohibited. Another
change would require fence posts, supports and runners be on the back
side of fences that face streets, parks or waterways. The proposed
change would also prohibit fencing vacant lots.
clarification of the maximum building height has been proposed.
Currently buildings are limited to 28-feet measured from the Base Flood
Elevation to the mid-point of the highest roof (excluding a number of
extensions, such as chimneys). The P&Z recommendation is to set the
maximum building height at 40-feet measured from the Minimum Base Flood
Elevation to the highest point including extensions, such as chimneys.
text of recommended zoning changes]
Should City Council wish to consider adopting these zoning changes a
public hearing will be scheduled and notice published and provided to
all city property owners.
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Post-Ike Permit Programs End September 1
Posted: Thursday, August 6, 2009
Effective September 1, 2009, all
building permit fees will return to their pre-Ike amount. This includes
fence and roof permits. Fence permits will require drawings and approval
prior to issuance.
Fast Track building permits will not be
issued after August 31, 2009. Normal building remodeling permits and
inspections will be required effective September 1, 2009.
Outstanding Fast Track permits will
remain valid and eligible for inspection for a period of one-year from
date of issue. Thereafter those permits will have expired and any
additional work or inspection will require a new building / remodeling
permit and the payment of standard fees. There is no credit for expired
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City Defines Flood Surge
Hazard Area
and Restricts Use of Fill Dirt
Posted: Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The City of Shoreacres has amended its
Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to address special flood surge hazards
at the east end of the City approaching Galveston Bay. [Flood
Damage Prevention Ordinance 2007-04] The significant hazard
associated with tidal surges and hurricane wave wash was convincingly
demonstrated by Hurricane Ike. [slides]
In response the City has adopted new regulations to control the use of
fill dirt in future construction in the east most portion of the city. [Flood
Damage Prevention Ordinance (amendment) 2009-46]
A thirteen street area east of Sunrise
Drive to the shoreline of Galveston Bay has been designated a flood
surge hazard area. This
area of Shoreacres was inundated by waters from Hurricane
Ike tidal surge and hurricane wave wash on September 13, 2008. [Map]
Located within the areas of flood surge
hazard are areas designated by FEMA as Coastal High Hazard Areas (Zones
V1-30, VE, and/or V) and special flood hazard areas (Zone AE).
In addition to meeting all previously
existing provisions of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, the
following seven new provisions also apply:
(1) All new construction and
substantial improvements in Coastal High Hazard Areas (Zones V1-30, VE,
and/or V) shall be elevated on pilings and columns so that the bottom of
the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor (excluding
the pilings or columns) is elevated to or above the base flood level
plus one foot free-board.
(2) All new construction and
substantial improvements in special flood hazard areas (Zone AE) shall
be elevated on pilings and columns so that the lowest floor is elevated
to or above the base flood elevation plus one foot free-board.
(3) The pile column foundation and the
structure attached thereto are anchored to resist floatation, collapse,
and lateral movement due to the effects of wind and water loads.
(4) New construction and substantial
improvements have the space below the lowest floor free of obstruction
or enclosed with non-supporting breakaway walls, or open lattice work.
(5) A registered professional engineer
or architect must develop or review the structural design,
specifications, and plans and certify that the designs and methods of
construction to be used meet accepted standards of practice for meeting
the provisions of CFR 60.3(e)(4)(ii) and breakaway walls (§60.3(e)(7)).
(6) Prohibit the use of fill for
structural support of buildings.
(7) Prohibit the use of fill to raise
the grade of any lot above the minimum required to achieve proper
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New Ordinance
Helps Protect Waterways
Posted: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
August 10, 2009, the City of Shoreacres adopted a strict new City Code
section intended to help protect our waterways from pollution and other
material that might obstruct the flow of storm water.
Sec. 22-122. Deposit of waste material
into waterway prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to
cast, throw, dump, unload, discharge or in any manner place or cause to
be placed, any junk, garbage, trash, rubbish, litter of any nature, oil,
petroleum, any petroleum-based product, any other noxious substance,
wastewater, dirt, debris or other waste material into any waterway, bay,
bayou, pond, stream, storm water ditch, storm water culvert, storm water
inlet or parcel of land located within the city limits that drains to
any waterway, bay, bayou, pond, stream, or storm water system. [Ordinance
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Please Check Your House
Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009
you know that each house is required to have legible address numbers
that can be seen from the street?
City of Shoreacres Fire Code provides that all homes must have address
numbers no less than four-inches tall and plainly visible from the
street fronting the property. [Fire Code § 505.1]
Proper identification of homes in our community is important for city
services, utilities, and emergency services.
vacant and damaged houses need proper address numbers.
Please check the address marking at your house. Numbers need to have
good contrast with the background to be easily legible.
assistance will be greatly appreciated.
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