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New Fence Regulations Are
In Effect
Posted: Monday, September 21, 2009
their regular meeting, Monday, September 14, the Shoreacres City Council
Ordinance 2009-51 amending the City's fence regulations.
Here is a summary of some of the key changes:
Maximum fence height increased from
six feet to not more than eight feet in height, except a wooden
fence which may have up to a six-inch rot board along the bottom.
Fences abutting on a street
right-of-way, public park, or public waterfront are to be
constructed so that all supporting members, including posts and
horizontal runners, do not face the street.
Fences in the front portion of a
lot shall be no more than 25 percent opaque. Chain link and other
similar wire type fencing are prohibited within the front portion of
a lot. This allows the installation of ornamental iron, split rail,
and other "open" style fences to be erected out to the front
property line.
The use of electric fences is
allowed only to restrain the movement of dogs. An electric fence
building permit is required prior to installation; "electric fence"
signs are required; electrified elements of the fence must be
protected from accidental contact by any person on property abutting
the premises where such fence is installed; and a city inspection is
required to confirm the product used is tested, approved and
installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
No barbed-wire fencing shall be
used within the city except on government owned property or when
required by law.
Walls, fences or similar structures
shall not contain any substances such as broken glass, spikes,
nails, or similar materials designated to inflict pain or injury to
any person or animal.
Any non-conforming fence that is
damaged as much as 50 percent shall be replaced in accordance with
current regulations.
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